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Tin Working Group: Situational Analysis and Sustainability Assessment of the Tin Sector in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia

Tin Working Group: Situational Analysis and Sustainability Assessment of the Tin Sector in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia


Client: The Sustainable Trade Initiative’s (IDH) Indonesian Tin Working Group

Collaboration: N/A

The purpose of The Sustainable Trade Initiative’s (IDH) Indonesian Tin Working Group is to explore if and how its members can positively contribute to addressing the sustainability challenges of tin mining in Bangka and Belitung whilst recognising the economic benefits of the sector in terms of development and poverty reduction. Group members include Apple, Blackberry, LG, Phillips, Samsung, Sony, EICC, ITRI and Friends of the Earth.

Levin Sources conducted a situational analysis and sustainability assessment to aid the Group’s understanding of the local situation as a starting point for exploring ways to support sustainable growth through responsible sourcing. We also supported IDH in project managing and convening the group, and presented our findings at an ITRI tin event in Bangka in December 2013.

Levin Sources was composed of local and international experts including mining engineers, environmental, human rights and ASM experts. Fieldwork was conducted for one month in Jakarta, Bangka and Belitung in September 2013. Throughout the project, the team consulted a range of international experts and over 100 Indonesian stakeholders, including but not limited to government officials at all levels (national, provincial, local), miners (large, small, legal, unconventional, male, female, etc.), collectors (tin buyers), smelters, civil society representatives, tin sector experts, academics, industry association representatives, farmers, shop-keepers, equipment renters and more.

The team visited smelting operations, large-scale mining operators’ concessions, offshore and onshore small-scale mine sites and abandoned (post mining) sites. This research culminated into findings and initial conclusions about the commercial, social, economic, political and environmental sustainability of tin mining supply chains in the region and potential pathways towards more sustainable production.

Levin Sources' work has helped inform the Working Group of the avenues, challenges and potential opportunities for sector engagement within their sphere of influence. The group is now empowered with enough understanding to start meaningful engagement with Indonesian stakeholders to jointly determine next steps.

Click here for more information on the IDH Tin Working Group

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