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ASM-PACE Gabon Report

ASM-PACE Gabon Report


Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) in Gabon is a long practiced but frequently informal activity that can play a significant role in local development. However, it can also have negative impacts on the environment due to the mining practices and the presence of human settlements in sensitive environments.

The aim of this report is to help decision-makers at the Agence National des Parcs Nationaux (ANPN, the Gabonese National Agency for the National Parks) the Gabon Ministry of Mines and Industry (MoM) and the state-owned Gabon Mining so that they can plan an early ‘roadmap’ towards ESER-ASM. While ASM-PACE can be a partner in such efforts, if ESER-ASM is to be achieved and sustained in Gabon, action must be driven and owned by State authorities with the meaningful inclusion of affected parties (ASM, communities, and conservation organisations).

Therefore, while this report suggests next steps and guidance from ASM-ESER models achieved elsewhere, this implementation process must be led by those who will ultimately have regulatory and legal authority over operations and in close consultation with those who will be affected

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