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Knowledge Centre

Sharing expertise

We believe that sharing our expertise is vital for achieving our vision and mission. This is why we publish reports, blog, and do public speaking as much as possible. We also believe in respecting intellectual property, so rigorous citation is core to how we present information and we expect others who use our work to do the same.

At the same time, it is essential that we respect the confidentiality and copyright requirements of our clients, and so only a sample of our work is available on this page. If there’s something you know we’ve researched or produced and it’s not here, please get in touch.

Guidance note "Beyond audits in copper supply chains: Using leverage to prevent and address copper-specific salient human rights issues"

Guidance note "Beyond audits in copper supply chains: Using leverage to prevent and address copper-specific salient human rights issues"

Explore practical actions that businesses in the automotive sector can take to prevent and address adverse human rights risks and impacts in their copper supply chains in ways that complement and go beyond the implementation of audits and certification schemes.

Discover how you can engage with the new Forest-Smart Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Bolt-on Standard

Discover how you can engage with the new Forest-Smart Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Bolt-on Standard

The Forest-Smart Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (FS-ASM) Bolt-on Standard (the Bolt-on Standard) is now available for use by artisanal and small-scale miners, their state regulators, and their customers.



Explore the opportunities for using technology solutions in responsible minerals production and sourcing in the DRC.

Making Forest-Smart Mining a reality: how philanthropists, multilaterals and international financial institutions can get the ball rolling.

Making Forest-Smart Mining a reality: how philanthropists, multilaterals and international financial institutions can get the ball rolling.

Our new report is packed with case studies and practical entry points for reducing mining’s impacts on forests.

Supporting civil society organisations to engage with ASM | IUCN

Supporting civil society organisations to engage with ASM | IUCN

A guide and webinar featuring an overview for civil society organisations on how to engage with the ASM sector to address some its social and environmental impacts.

Market Analysis: artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) gold from Eastern DRC

Market Analysis: artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) gold from Eastern DRC

Discover eight key learnings from our market analysis of ASM gold from Eastern Congo carried out as part of the USAID Commercially Viable Conflict-Free Gold (CVCFG) Project.

White Paper: Responsible Sourcing of Sand: Looking Ahead

White Paper: Responsible Sourcing of Sand: Looking Ahead

In this white paper, we look at the negative consequences for the environment of the increased demand for sand and explore ways to adopt responsible sourcing of it.

White paper: Lithium mining in the High Puna of the Andes

White paper: Lithium mining in the High Puna of the Andes

The extraction of lithium has been expanding due to a growing demand in electric vehicles. This white paper looks into the potentially severe environmental and social impacts associated with the development of this sector in Latin America.

White paper: How miners can be forest stewards

White paper: How miners can be forest stewards

In 2019, ​Levin Sources signed onto the New York Declaration on Forests, a partnership to halve deforestation by 2020, and end it by 2030. The world has lost 50% of its forests already, and we are losing 48 football fields of forest every minute.

Report: Study on the Support System for SME Supply Chain Due Diligence

Report: Study on the Support System for SME Supply Chain Due Diligence

This publication is the final report of the work Levin Sources and RINA Consulting completed for the European Commission for the project entitled 'Study on the support system for SME supply chain due diligence'.

Green Economy Series: Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Storage in the Electric Grid

Green Economy Series: Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Storage in the Electric Grid

In Part Two of Levin Sources' Green Economy Series, we examine 17 minerals used in solar panels and lithium-ion batteries. By applying risk and governance lenses to our data, we give you an in-depth look at the changing supply chains powering green technology.

Follow The Money: The Philippines - A Rapid Assessment of Gold and Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in The Philippines

Follow The Money: The Philippines - A Rapid Assessment of Gold and Financial Flows linked to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in The Philippines

Operating as The GIFF Project, Levin Sources and the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized crime produced this case study, identifying financial flows - both licit and illicit - in Filipino artisanal and small-scale gold mining sectors.

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