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Victoria Gronwald

Victoria Gronwald

Good governance and mineral supply chain due diligence expert


Victoria Gronwald has more than five years' experience working in the development sector, with a focus on good governance, mineral supply chain due diligence, and the social and environmental impacts of mining. Victoria has been a full-time Specialist at Levin Sources for almost four years. Since starting her PhD in Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science in September 2020, she has continued to work with Levin Sources on an Associate basis. Her PhD studies focus on offshore finance, financial crime and tax law.

Previously, Victoria worked at children's rights NGO Terre des Hommes Suisse, at Amnesty International, the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Victoria attained an MA in Anthropology and Sociology of Development from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Geneva and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in Lima. While in Peru, she conducted research for her MA thesis on fiscal policies and mining sector revenue management. In 2019 she completed a Master of Law (LLM) degree in Diplomacy and International Law part-time at Lancaster University, with a thesis on international regulation of tax havens.

Victoria works in English, German, French and Spanish. She has field experience in Peru, Myanmar, the DRC and Sierra Leone.

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