Our work
We work with diverse clients to deliver inventive and impactful solutions.
In many cases, mineral matters are sensitive. We are grateful to the following clients for allowing us to speak publicly about our work.
We work with diverse clients to deliver inventive and impactful solutions.
In many cases, mineral matters are sensitive. We are grateful to the following clients for allowing us to speak publicly about our work.
Hear from The Rock Hound's Founder Susi Smither as she explains how she worked with us to create a Supplier Code of Conduct.
Discover how we helped traceable coloured gemstones supplier Nineteen48 integrate the Sustainable Development Goals into its business model.
Discover how Levin Sources supported Eurasian Resources Group (ERG), a leading diversified natural resources producer, with the development of its Clean Cobalt Framework.
Discover how our Responsible Sourcing for Small Jewellers service helped Lebrusan Studio put in place new ethical policies and procedures and grow her business.
Levin Sources was contracted by the DFID-funded Extractives Hub facility to support its technical assistance, advisory and capacity building services for Governments in Kenya, Nigeria, Liberia, Uganda and Ethiopia.
We undertook a series of case studies to identify and analyse good and bad practices of ASM in forest landscapes for The Program on Forests (PROFOR), hosted by the World Bank Group.
Levin Sources was contracted by GIZ to conduct in-country stakeholder engagement to establish a guidance document that informs KP stakeholders in programming and implementation of the KPCS in host countries.
Levin Sources organised and coordinated a workshop in Astana, Kazakhstan, on absorbent technologies to treat waters polluted by toxic metals.
African Parks, an international NGO which seeks to address environmental conservation issues in Africa, contracted Levin Sources to conduct a field study on artisanal gold mining in the Garamba National Park complex.
Gübelin Gem Lab contracted Levin Sources to deepen its understanding of ASM emerald sectors and perform pre-pilot in-country scoping for its Emerald Paternity Test traceability technology.
Levin Sources was contracted by the SER to conduct a rapid scoping of 13 metals and a high level mapping of the value chains for each. From this information, associated IRBC risks were ascertained to support the facilitation decision making on potential collective mitigation and prevention.
Levin Sources prepared the environment management measures linked to ASM and provided advice on LSM – ASM relations, including LSM operations and relationships with illegal stone pickers.